It is with great pleasure to announce the release of the all-new Master Key System audio book. This professional recording comes with music specifically composed for this audio book, and it also includes my commentary featured in the Master Key System Centenary Edition. The total playing time of this audio book is 11:27 hours, and until 1 September it's available at an introductory price of only 59.00 Euro.
A new product always carries a massive load of magic, and non-chalant announcements rarely do it justice. This new audio book is a product of my heart. It's been in the making for a long time, and I am both super happy and super thrilled that it's finally seen the light of day. The end result - I am sure - will please you no end!
Before I embarked on this project, I was obviously aware of the fact that there are already at least five different audio books available. I respect and value each of them for the tremendous amount of work that has gone into them. They did, however, not satisfy me. Some had too much of an American accent; one had noise on the line; another one's voice was recorded without a pop-shield, so ever spoken "p" left a disturbing popping sound; another one was read too fast and - believe it or not - without appreciation for the content; last but not least, all of them were already at least a couple of years old and offered at a budget price - some even for free as a quick search on YouTube will reveal.
There's nothing wrong with "FREE", except for one vital element: people don't value that which has been given to them for free. So you may have FREE (always in CAPITALS, it seems) access to a Master Key System audio book, but what value do you really get out of it? This is obviously very personal and therefore subjective, but here we have a new product aimed at a different type of Master Key System student: at high-quality, motivated individuals who settle for nothing but the best, and whose level of self-worth and -appreciation extends to the products they seek out in the market and go into resonance with. In short: there's a market for entry level products at a budget price, just as much as there's one for high level products aimed at those for whom not price but value is the primary motivation.
That said, I can't wait to listen to it myself - as a student. I've spent weeks producing it, mixing and mastering, changing and adjusting, nagging Peter with small but vital corrections, as well as the usual doubt any creative has when birthing a new product. All this is over now, and I am proud to present to you this amazing product.
Here's a 23 minute sampler for you to enjoy. It's a cross-section of pieces from the introduction as well as individual chapters, and will give you sufficient idea about Peter's voice, Armen's music, my commentary and the final product arrangement.
If you like what you hear and would like to purchase this product as an MP3 download, please head over to the shop page, where it's awaiting you. You can pay for it using your credit card, Paypal, EFT (in Europe) and even the Ether crypto currency.
Please leave me a comment below with your impression of this new audio book. I can't wait to hear from you, and with that I shall remain with peace and blessings,